Good/Bad Website Smackdown

The two sites that I chose to compare were Blackboard and Schoology. Both websites are sites utilized by schools to present their students with all their assignments and essentially host all class materials online. When discussing what a good website should entail, you want to make sure the website is easy to  navigate, a clear purpose is there, and everything that you need is accessible through the site. Poo websites lack the ability to be easily navigated and overall the aesthetic might not be pleasing for the user. In a world where technology is more important than it has ever been, it is important that if you create a website the average user can use the site without any problems. In the video below we are going to compare these two sites to show what components each site have and what might be missing to make it better. Blackboard and Schoology are both decent sites, but when you compare the two you realize which one is the better site.


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